After PAC report, DAP MP tells Redzuan to clear up confusion over ‘flying car’
KUALA LUMPUR,. The Entrepreneur Development Ministry must dispel any remaining confusion over the so-called “flying car” project Datuk Redzuan Yusof introduced to Malaysia, said Kota Melaka MP Khoo Poay Tiong.
The DAP lawmaker said the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee has pointed out issues with the project that needed the ministry’s clarification.
Khoo said it was especially vital to allay concern that taxpayers’ funds were going towards the project that Redzuan has repeatedly insisted to be a private initiative.
“Nobody is denying that the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development has the role to support and encourage entrepreneurship, especially in the technology sector.
“However, the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development should take heed of the findings and recommendations of the PAC to avoid further confusion,” Khoo said in a statement.
The DAP MP also said Redzuan should be fostering entrepreneurship in other areas given that his ministry will receive RM539 million as part of Budget 2020.
On Thursday, the PAC released a report disputing the minister’s portrayal of the “flying car” project, saying that it appeared to have received public funds despite Redzuan’s earlier assertion that none went to the firm.
The parliamentary watchdog also said the minister did not perform any due diligence before announcing the project and advised him to do so now.
It also said Redzuan did not consult with the ministries and agencies that would eventually be involved or inform the Cabinet before disclosing the project to the public.